Twistgen Website

Twistgen Website

Once more we had the pleasure of working with Twistmed on bringing their product to life. An innovator and a leader in prevention, the Twistmed company launched a group of genetic tests with the aim of improving people’s quality of life and health by helping us discover more about ourselves through the DNA code that builds us. The goal of the TwistGen team and work that spans 20 years is to transform diseases into something that can be prevented and completely cured. With this goal in mind, we worked on creating the TwistGen corporate and digital branding.
We started with the creation of the brand logo, logo variations for test lines and the general look and feel. The website was designed to encompass the two lines of tests TwistGen offers – TwistLife and TwistHealth – and present them through a fresh, unique way that sets the brand apart from its competition and shows its uniqueness. TwistGen’s story of the beauty and the beast was incorporated in the design of the TwistLife line.


It is very important to pay attention to the animation of certain sections on the site. We make animations to follow the dynamics of the web design, but not to lose sight of important information.
Various statistics and analyzes say that visitors spend more time on subtly animated sites than on sites without animation. So make it fun.

Test za neplodnost Website

Test za neplodnost Website

We created a one page website presentation for Phosphorus Diagnostic, for presenting their genetic tests for reproductive health on the Serbian market. The clean cut, modern design presents all the important information about the genomics, causes of infertility and various tests the company offers for pinpointing the exact cause through a simple genetic test.
The goal of the website was to educate visitors about the non intrusive method of testing and possible causes of infertility, through different sections containing important information. While we didn’t want to overwhelm the users, we came up with the concept of displaying only the most important information at first glance, with the rest of the information and test result examples available at a click of a button.

Twisted Company Website

Twisted Company Website

With its two branches – Design & Engineering and Medical – Twisted Company approached us wishing to bring their branding to a step above, with a new logo and by launching a website that best showcases their offer for both of these industries. As pioneers leading the medical revolution, and a design company working with esteemed clients, Twisted Company’s vision was modern, clean and elegant.
We started with designing the new logo and choosing brand colors that will differentiate the two branches. The final result was a predominantly black color with red highlights for Design & Engineering and a predominantly white color with blue highlights for Medical. The bold, black color allowed the interior design projects to pop out on the website and in brochures; while the white and light blue bring out the scientific and medical feeling on its counterpart.

Little Black Dress

Little White Dress


SZJ App and Website

SZJ App and Website

Application for learning Serbian Sign Language made for the project “The Right to Information – and we have the right to know” organized by the Center for Society for Orientation in collaboration with ATSZJ, GOGB, Sluzba, EU delegation and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia.
The main goal of the application was to make learning Serbian Sign Language available to as many people as possible. The app lists all the letters of the alphabet and numbers in separate modules. Alongside the application, a SZJ website was launched to promote the application and give insight into the project.

SZJ Application

The largest part of the app is the dictionary where the user can search and select a word or a phrase they wish to learn. The videos used in the app were specifically optimized for the mobile network and view. Beside this, the app also contains the full UNCRPD (Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) that can be viewed in sign language, with the text listed below the video. Another inclusion to the app are the interviews with members of the community, talking about their life experiences.
The project lasted for a year and the app was a part of it as an additional means of learning alongside the e-learning platform that the Center for Society of Orientation has set up. To further promote the app, we have created a one page website talking a little bit about the project itself and linking to all the participating societies and companies.
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Twistmed Website

Twistmed Website

To take an approach in medicine that is out of the ordinary

We had the opportunity to work with the Twistmed team who offers genetic analysis. They wanted to present their work philosophy and the test lines they offer. To better point out all the benefits of these analysis, they needed a website and that’s where we come in. We created a modern and minimalistic website with mobile first approach that Google ranks separately.
We incorporated their branding colors and chose a fine font that brings out the feeling of elegant web design. The landing page is animated to further improve this feeling. Different categories are presented through a full screen menu, divided by sections. We paid special attention to the contact page where we pointed out the different locations of Twistmed office in Europe by presenting each country.

MIHOME Website

MIHOME Website

Building together

Mihome is a group of architects from Australia that were brought together by sophisticated taste in architecture. In order to present their qualities in the best way, they needed a website that would reflect their work and their visual style. Taking into consideration their wishes and affinities towards certain web design styles, we created a very successful website that follows and fills the needs of our friends from Mihome agency.
The design is minimalistic and elegant with a few focal points. Our client’s important information is presented through interesting schemes, envisioned to show their work processes in a simple way. One of the important values of all our websites is the responsive mobile view, so we have paid attention to that part of the design and development as well. The subtle animations that flow through the website enrich the visitor’s experience and enhance the final look of the website.


One4one3 Website

one4one3 Website

Custom and responsive web design for our friends

Our friends from the Australian Agency one4one3 needed a custom website in order to better exhibit the diversity of their branding services. In agreement with them, we have done the design and subsequent steps in the web development of a responsive website to make it available on mobile, tablet and desktop devices.
We used corporate colors and the triangular shape of the one4one3 agencies logo which we applied to the various elements of web design. The interesting part of the site is the fixed but animated cover that that is present on the top of every page while everything else is easily accessible in the lower part of the page. The effect that we created is a very easy to use website that requires minimum navigation and time to get all the necessary information.

Redminn Website

Website Redminn

With simplicity and efficiency through website

Redminn is a client of the Australian branding agency one4one3 and they wanted a website to easily and efficiently display their products. Together with one4one3, we did web development and created a nice responsive web design.
Redminn’s new website has an interesting popup presentation of categories on its homepage. Simple navigation and an optimized viewing experience for all devices (mobiles, displays, and tablets) that allows customers to effortlessly searching what they need. During the whole creative process, we had regular and relaxed communication with friends from One4one3.